Holiday Rag Banner

Add a touch of rustic charm to your holiday decor with a simple and fun-to-make Christmas rag banner! This scrappy garland is perfect for draping across your mantel, windows, or tree.

You’ll Need:

To make:

  1. Gather Fabric Strips: Cut fabric strips about 16 inches long and 1 inch wide. A little variety in width (from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches) can add texture and character to the banner.
  2. Layout Your Colors and Textures: Start laying them out as you gather or cut your fabric strips. Mix and match colors, patterns, and textures to get a feel for the final look.
  3. Measure and Cut Strips: For a garland that spans 6 feet, you’ll need approximately 240 strips of fabric. You can add more or less depending on how long you want your banner to be.

Assembling the Banner:

  1. Prepare the String: Reel a long lead of yarn or string and place it on a flat surface. Secure one end with a heavy object, like a thick book, to keep it taut and in place.
  2. Tie the Strips: Fold each fabric strip in half. Hold the string taut with your left hand. With your right hand, position the folded strip across the string, with the fold facing to the right. Create a “birdie beak” with your right hand and poke through the loop under the string. Grab the two tails of the fabric strip and pull them through the loop, securing the fabric to the string. Continue until your garland is full.
  3. Finishing Touches: Make a loop at each end of the garland for easy hanging. Cover the knots with wooden beads or festive accents for added charm if desired.

Display and Enjoy!

Hang your rag banner across your fireplace, stair railings, or over doorways to add cozy, handmade flair to your holiday setup. This project is simple, customizable, and a great way to use up fabric scraps while creating beautiful, personalized decor. Happy crafting!

You can find more holiday recipes and crafts on our farm blog!

Woven Easter Eggs

Here’s a fun craft to do with the kiddos during the Easter holiday! Make several to decorate the house for holiday festivities.

You’ll need:
Colorful paper (kiddos can pick their favorites)
Scissors/children-safe scissors
Easter Egg template

To make:
Use the template to cut out your egg shape. Using the ruler, mark lines an inch apart. Using the scissors, cut along the lines. Next, cut several 1/2 inch wide strips of colorful paper. Weave the strips of paper into the egg shape.

We look forward to seeing y’all here at the farm for loads of Easter fun!

Toilet Paper Tube Trees

The holidays are a great time to gather up the kiddos and make fun Christmas crafts. The great thing about this particular project is that one of the supplies is abundant in most households: empty toilet paper tubes.

You’ll need:
Paint and brushes
Glitter, puffballs, sequins, or whatever glitzy doodads your heart desires
Empty toilet paper tubes

To make:
Using the pencil, draw out the shape of tree you’d like, make sure that the points of your tree meet at the side. Leave enough room at the bottom for a base.

Carefully cut along the lines (parents can do this for the real little ones). Once your tree is cut out, paint the trees whatever color you or your little ones like. Washable acrylic paint is great for clothes and table tops. 

Once the pain dries, decorate your trees with pain, glitter, stickers, etc. The kids can even stick a photo of themselves on the tree as a cute gift to the grandparents!

Visit our blog for more holiday crafts, recipes and more!

DIY Halloween Costumes

DIY Halloween Costumes

Halloween is just around the corner! As parents, we’d love to find fun and creative costumes for our kids without spending a fortune.  Try these WICKEDLY easy DIY Halloween costumes! They’re ADORABLE and won’t break the bank!

You’ll need:
Plaid shirt
Face paint
Fabric scraps cut into squares
Hot glue gun/glue or safety pins
Large piece of brown felt for DIY hat

To create:
Sew, glue, or safety pin fabric scraps to jeans and and felt hat. Fake sunflowers can be glued to hat if you’re feelin’ fancy. Paint seems and patches on your little one’s face and you’re done!

You’ll need:
Yellow shirt
Black pants/leggings
White felt, large enough for a pair of wings
Black felt, cut into wide strips
Hot glue gun/glue or safety pins

To create:
Pin or glue black strips to yellow shirt to create ‘bee body’. Using the white felt, cut out a pair of wings. Pin or glue wings to back of shirt. If you want a more girlie bee, you can add a black tutu to your ensemble!

You’ll need:
Yellow shirt
Denim overalls
Yellow beanie
Felt (white, black, and grey)
Hot glue gun/glue or safety pins

To create:
Using black felt, cut a strip long enough to wrap around the beanie and glue it to the beanie. Cut out a circle of white felt and another circle of grey felt, cutting out the center to make a frame. Cut out a smaller black circle to create the eyeball. Glue the grey felt frame to the white felt. Glue the black circle to the middle to complete the trademark minion goggle head!

Visit us on Pinterest for more fun DIY ideas!