Pumpkin Eats
It’s Fall and most of us are busting out our crockpots and casserole dishes to start serving up that cold-weather comfort food! Pumpkins aren’t just for pumpkin pie. You can make wonderful stews, souffle, curry, and more! Here are some great pumpkin varieties
Pumpkin Varieties
We’re going to bypass the big carving pumpkins (think Jack-O-Lanterns) all together as they are the worst pumpkins for cooking. Their meat is very stringy and their flavor is extremely bland. Instead, go for varieties that are sweet, uber flavorful, and have a smoother flesh. Look for pumpkins that are labeled as ‘sugar pumpkins’ or ‘pie pumpkins’. We grow several varieties of cooking pumpkins including Long Island Cheese, Cinderella, and Jarrahdale.
Pumpkin Size
The best cooking pumpkins should be between 4-8 pounds. Be sure to check for bruising or spots as this can be a sign of rot.
Keep your pumpkins longer by placing them in a cool temperature. When stored properly, pumpkins can last up to 90 days! You could be making pumpkin pies well past Christmas!
We look forward to seeing y’all here at the farm for loads of Fall fun!